Property Name & Phase Formats in TDE: Binary Mixtures

Properties for mixtures are listed with a condensed nomenclature to allow easy display in the Navigation Tree. The general features of this nomenclature are shown here.

Specific examples for each type of phase equilibrium are given separately:

  • Vapor Liquid Equilibrium (VLE)
  • Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE)
  • Solid-Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)
  • Formats for Pure Components

Property Names are written out explicitly for Phase boundary pressure and Mole fraction (i.e., composition).

A breakdown of example nomenclature VLE (G) L G (X1/L, T) where VLE corresponds to vapor-liquid [the general type of equilibrium], (G) corresponds to gas [the phase of which the property is being reported for], L G refers to liquid and gas [the phases present], and (X1/L, T) refer to (mol fraction of component 1 in the liuqid, temperature) [the variables associated with the property]