Opening Pure Compounds Families in TDE

Compounds families can be opened from a previously generated file (see TDE Generation of Pure Compound Families on how to create such a file).

There are two options to open pure compounds families in TDE:

When the file is opened in TDE, generated families is shown as a drop-down list:
dropdown of families in the Families window
The following families were generated for 1-butanol with the use of the Joback method.

Each family has the following structure:
Annotated family name for example family 3 (-1 to 1): butan-1-ol, propan-1,3-diol, pentane: the 3 corresponds to number of compounds, (-1 to 1) corresponds to the range of structural changes relative to the initial compound, and the chemical names correspond to the compounds in the family.
A structural change is a change in a descriptor, which can be repeated several times and corresponds to a change in the molecular structure. A descriptor is a vector in the multidimensional space of structural features, representing the molecular structure. In the case above, the structural change in this family is a replacement of CH3 with OH group.

After clicking a specific family and the OK button, the user can select All compounds (by checking the All box) or any combination of compounds (by mouse-clicking on the compounds in the list) for comparison.
FList window where the user is selecting compounds