About This Tool
This web application provides free and open access to literature information contained in the NIST SOURCE Data Archive,1 and provides an easy-to-use tool for generation of a NIST Literature Report in PDF format. The tool is intended to aid researchers and reviewers in determining relevant literature sources for a given experimental measurement; however, it is not intended to replace the comprehensive literature review required by all journals, and no guarantee is made regarding completeness of the information provided. For an analysis of the comparative impact a particular measurement may have, the ThermoPlan: Experimental Planning and Coverage Evaluation Aid for Thermophysical Property Measurements web tool is recommended.
Developed by K. Kroenlein, V. Diky, C.D. Muzny, R.D. Chirico, J.W. Magee and M. Frenkel
Thermodynamics Research Center (TRC)
Applied Chemicals and Materials Division
NIST, Mail Stop 647.01
325 Broadway
Boulder, Colorado 80305-3337
Contact for questions or problems: Dr. Chris Muzny
1A. Kazakov, C. D. Muzny, K. Kroenlein, V. Diky, R. D. Chirico, J.W. Magee, I. M. Abdulagatov, M. Frenkel. NIST/TRC SOURCE Data Archival System: The Next-Generation Data Model for Storage of Thermophysical Properties. Int. J. Thermophys. 33 (2012) p. 22-33.