Plot Features: Colors in TDE Plots


Black = Accepted Data (i.e., data used by TDE)

Orange = Rejected Data (i.e., data rejected by the user, TRC staff, or during evaluation by TDE)

Red = Selected Data (by the user)

Blue = Data predicted or calculated by TDE


  • Pure components: Smoothed data, Digitized data (from plots), Data calculated by equations (from smoothing equations)
  • Mixtures: The same as the above cases for Pures as well as Special conditions (eutectic, azeotropic, upper consolute, lower consolute, monotectic, etc.)


Blue Lines = Default equations evaluated by TDE

Green Lines:

  • Pure components: User-selected alternative equations
  • Binary mixtures: Isobars and isotherms with azeotropic behavior
  • Ternary mixtures: Liquid-liquid tie lines in LLE plots, liquid-gas tie lines in VLE plots

Red Lines = Binary Mixtures: Regions of liquid-liquid heterogeneity

Orange Lines = Extrapolated calculations