Enthalpy of Vaporization (Liquid/Gas)

  • DEFAULT: Watson Equation: (Output details)

    ln(Hvap/Hvapo) = a1 + åai ×Tri-2 ×ln(1-Tr) , where the summation is from i = 2 to nTerms

    Tr = T/Tc, Tc is the critical temperature, and Hvapo = 1 kJ/mol

  • Alternative 1: Yaws.VaporizationH (Output details)

    Hvap = exp(A)×{1 - ( T / Tc )}n

  • Alternative 2: PPDS 12 (Output details)

    Hvap/(0.001×R ×Tc) = a1 × t1/3 + a2 × t2/3 + a3 × t + a4 × t2 + a5 × t6

    where t = 1 - T/Tc, Tc is the critical temperature, and R is the gas constant.