Material Properties: Polyurethane
Data Available:
- Thermal Conductivity
- Specific Heat
- Linear Expansion (Plot unavailable)
Thermal Conductivity density: 31.88 kg/m3 (=1.99 lb/ft3 Freon filled ) |
Thermal Conductivity
density: 32.04 kg/m3 (=2.0 lb/ft3 CO2 Filled) |
Thermal Conductivity density: 49.02 kg/m3 (=3.06 lb/ft3 He Filled ) |
Thermal Conductivity density: 64.08 kg/m3 (=4.00 lb/ft3 Freon filled) |
UNITS | W/(m-K) | W/(m-K) | W/(m-K) | W/(m-K)) |
a | -3218.679 | 3788.43 | -33.898 | 789.79 |
b | 9201.61 | -7642.66 | 117.81 | -2347.94 |
c | -10956.66 | 4592.448 | -178.376 | 3024.61 |
d | 6950.102 | 778.8423 | 142.038 | -2206.76 |
e | -2476.94 | -2214.434 | -63.034 | 989.238 |
f | 470.284 | 1090.293 | 14.958 | -273.18 |
g | -37.1669 | -235.6349 | -1.5468 | 43.065 |
h | 0 | 19.66088 | 0.020625 | -2.9863 |
i | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
data range |
76-300 | 100-300 | 30-300 | 88-300 |
equation range |
60-300 | 85-300 | 20-300 | 55-300 |
curve fit % error relative to data | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Curve fit equation of the form: log10 y = a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Solves as: y = 10 a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Where: Coefficients a - i are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for. |
Specific Heat density: 49.02 kg/m3 (=3.06 lb/ft3 He filled) |
Specific Heat density: 389.25 kg/m3 (=24.3 lb/ft3 air filled ) |
UNITS | J/(kg-K) | J/(kg-K) |
a | 89.69 | 4894.36 |
b | -269.32 | -11608.63 |
c | 333.276 | 10463.31 |
d | -214.635 | -3895.8 |
e | 76.2052 | -40.0053 |
f | -14.1137 | 497.4517 |
g | 1.061 | -147.7555 |
h | 0 | 14.19365 |
i | 0 | 0 |
data range |
23-300 | 100-300 |
equation range |
16-300 | 80-300 |
curve fit % error relative to data | 1 | 2 |
Curve fit equation of the form: log10 y = a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Solves as: y = 10 a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Where: Coefficients a - i are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for. |
Linear expansion density: 32.04 kg/m3 (=2.0 lb/ft3, Freon blown, parallel to foam rise) |
Linear expansion density: 64.07 kg/m3 (=4.0 lb/ft3, CO2 blown, parallel to foam rise) |
[(L-L293)/L293] x 105 unitless, eg. m/m | [(L-L293)/L293] x 105 unitless, eg. m/m | |
a |
-8.064E2 | -1.0647E3 |
b |
-5.049E-1 | 3.1238E-1 |
c |
2.140E-2 | 2.2854E-2 |
d |
-5.036E-5 | -5.9123E-5 |
e |
5.192E-8 | 6.7482E-8 |
Tlow (K) |
NA | NA |
f> |
NA | NA |
data range (K) |
20-300 | 20-300 |
equation range (K) |
20-275 | 20-293 |
curve fit % error relative to data |
1.5 | 1 |
equation of the form: | |
y = a + bT + cT 2 + dT 3 + eT 4 |
>T > Tlow |
y = f |
T < Tlow |
solves as expected: Where: Coefficients a-e are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for. |