Material Properties: Invar (Fe-36Ni) (UNS K93600)
Data Available:
- Thermal Conductivity
- Specific Heat
- Young's Modulus
- Linear Expansion
Thermal Conductivity |
Specific Heat |
UNITS | W/(m-K) | J/(kg-K) |
a | -2.7064 | 28.08 |
b | 8.5191 | -228.23 |
c | -15.923 | 777.587 |
d | 18.276 | -1448.423 |
e | -11.9116 | 1596.567 |
f | 4.40318 | -1040.294 |
g | -0.86018 | 371.2125 |
h | 0.068508 | -56.004 |
i | 0 | 0 |
data range |
4-300 | 4-20 |
equation range |
4-300 | 4-27 |
curve fit % error relative to data | 2 | 2 |
Curve fit equation of the form: log10 y = a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Solves as: y = 10 a+b(log10T) + c(log10T) 2 + d(log10T) 3 + e(log10T) 4 + f(log10T) 5 + g(log10T) 6 + h(log10T) 7 + i(log10T) 8 Where: Coefficients a - i are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for. |
Young's Modulus | Linear expansion | |
.Units |
GPa | [(L-L293)/L293] x 105 unitless, eg. m/m |
a |
1.41565E2 | -5.265E1 |
b |
2.54435E-2 | 1.009E-1 |
c |
-1.00842E-3 | 8.395E-4 |
d |
6.72797E-6 | -1.973E-6 |
e |
-1.08230E-8 | 8.794E-11 |
Tlow (K) |
. | 80 |
f> |
. | -40 |
data range (K) |
1-298 | 4-300 |
equation range (K) |
3-298 | 4-300 |
curve fit % error relative to data |
1 | 5 |
equation of the form: | |
y = a + bT + cT 2 + dT 3 + eT 4 |
>T > Tlow |
y = f |
T < Tlow |
solves as expected: Where: Coefficients a-e are summarized in the appropriate table and T is the temperature in K (x-axis), and y is the property to solve for. |