Thermodynamics Research Center / ThermoML | Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Accurate PVT Data for Ethane from (298 to 450) K up to 200 MPa

Cristancho, D. E.[Diego E.], Mantilla, I. D.[Ivan D.], Ejaz, S.[Saquib], Hall, K. R.[Kenneth R.], Atilhan, M.[Mert], Iglesias-Silva, G. A.[Gustavo A.]
J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 8, 2746-2749
This paper reports PVT data measured with a high-pressure, single-sinker, magnetic-suspension densimeter (MSD) from (298 to 450) K up to 200 MPa. The MSD technique yields accurate data, with less than 0.05 % relative uncertainty, over the pressure range of (10 to 200) MPa. The Bcker and Wagner equation of state as implemented in RefProp 8.0 compares well to the experimental data. RefProp 8.0 has a relative uncertainty of (0.02 to 0.03) % up to 30 MPa. The equation predicts data with almost the same uncertainty as the experimental data up to 200 MPa. These PVT data also allow reliable determination of both second and third virial coefficients.
# Formula Name
1 C2H6 ethane
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above). POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied; the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.
Type Compound-# Property Variable Constraint Phase Method #Points
  • POMD
  • 1
  • Mass density, kg/m3 ; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Temperature, K; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Pressure, kPa; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Buoyancy - hydrostatic balance with magnetic suspension - one sinker
  • 46