Thermodynamics Research Center / ThermoML | Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

Solubility of Clopidogrel Hydrogen Sulfate (Form II) in Ethanol + Cyclohexane Mixtures at (283.35 to 333.75) K

Guo, H.[Huai], Song, L.[Liangcheng], Yang, C.[Chunhui], Tao, Y.[Yu], Long, Y.[Yongjun], Cui, Y.[Yingbei]
J. Chem. Eng. Data 2015, 60, 3, 545-550
As the solvent system ethanol + cyclohexane is selected for the purification of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate (Form II) [CHS(II)], the solubilities of CHS(II) in the binary solvent mixtures were measured at the temperatures ranging from (283.35 to 333.75) K. The solubility increased with both the rising temperature and mole fraction of ethanol in the binary solvent. The experimental data were well-fitted by the Jouyban Acree model, and the thermodynamic parameters were calculated correspondingly. The result demonstrated that the dissolution process of CHS(II) in the ethanol + cyclohexane mixture was endothermic and entropy-driven.
# Formula Name
1 C16H18ClNO6S2 (S)-(+)-Clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate
2 C2H6O ethanol
3 C6H12 cyclohexane
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above). POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied; the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.
Type Compound-# Property Variable Constraint Phase Method #Points
  • POMD
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • Mole fraction - 1 ; Liquid
  • Temperature, K; Liquid
  • Solvent: Mole fraction - 2; Liquid
  • Pressure, kPa; Liquid
  • Liquid
  • Crystal - 1
  • laser monitoring
  • 54