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Measurement and Modeling of the Solubility of 9H-Carbazole in Sub- and Supercritical Propane

Martinez, F.[Fabiola], Martin, A.[Alicia], Camarillo, R.[Rafael], Rincon, J.[Jesusa]
J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 4, 956-962
The solubility of 9H-carbazole in sub- and supercritical propane has been measured using a static view cell at pressures from (4.3 to 10.0) MPa and temperatures from (323 to 405) K. The mole fraction of 9H-carbazole varied from 4*10-5 to 4*10-4 over the experimental range studied. The solubility of 9H-carbazole in propane is 1 order of magnitude higher than that of 9H-carbazole in CO2 for similar values of the reduced pressure and temperature, which highlights the excellent solvent properties of propane relative to CO2 for the extraction of polyaromatic compounds. The experimental solubility data were correlated with the Peng-Robinson equation of state using six different sets of mixing rules for the estimation of the mixture parameters aM and bM. Good fits of the experimental results were obtained for all of the mixing rules tested, especially for those involving two adjustable parameters; the absolute average percentage deviation (AAPD) was 16.4 % for the best fit. In addition, the empirical equation of Chrastil was used to model the experimental solubility, and a similar AAPD (16.6 %) was obtained. In this case, because of the simplicity of the empirical model, three adjustable parameters were required for the adjustment. Both of the mathematical expressions evaluated (Peng-Robinson and Chrastil) can be used for the prediction of the solubility of 9H-carbazole in propane.
# Formula Name
1 C3H8 propane
2 C12H9N 9H-carbazole
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above). POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied; the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.
Type Compound-# Property Variable Constraint Phase Method #Points
  • POMD
  • 1
  • 2
  • Vapor or sublimation pressure, kPa ; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Temperature, K; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Mole fraction - 2; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Crystal - 2
  • Closed cell (Static) method
  • 29