Thermodynamics Research Center / ThermoML | Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data

P-p-T Data for Carbon Dioxide from (310 to 450) K up to 160 MPa

Mantilla, I. D.[Ivan D.], Cristancho, D. E.[Diego E.], Ejaz, S.[Saquib], Hall, K. R.[Kenneth R.]
J. Chem. Eng. Data 2010, 55, 11, 4611-4613
This paper presents P-p-T data for pure carbon dioxide measured with a high-pressure single-sinker magnetic suspension densimeter (MSD). The data cover four isotherms (310, 350, 400, 450) K. The MSD technique yields data with less than 0.03 % relative uncertainty over the pressure range of (10 to 200) MPa. A comparison of the experimental data to the equation of state developed by Span and Wagner indicates that the equation and the data are consistent within the low range of pressure. The reference equation has a relative uncertainty of +- 0.03 % to +- 0.05 % below 30 MPa. At higher pressures, the density predictions of this model agree with the experimental data with a maximum relative deviation of 0.1 %.
# Formula Name
1 CO2 carbon dioxide
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above). POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied; the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.
Type Compound-# Property Variable Constraint Phase Method #Points
  • POMD
  • 1
  • Mass density, kg/m3 ; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Temperature, K; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Pressure, kPa; Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • Fluid (supercritical or subcritical phases)
  • MSONE:UFactor:0.5
  • 49