Thermodynamics Research Center / ThermoML | Thermochimica Acta

Non-isothermal decomposition kinetics of pyridinium nitrate under nitrogen atmosphere

Tankov, I.[Ivaylo], Yankova, R.[Rumyana], Mitkova, M.[Magdalena], Stratiev, D.[Dicho]
Thermochim. Acta 2018, 665, 85-91
The thermal stability and decomposition kinetics of the ionic liquid pyridinium nitrate was investigated by nonisothermal thermogravimetric analysis in an inert atmosphere (nitrogen). For the kinetic experiments, the thermal behavior of the sample was studied in the temperature interval from 360 up to 600 K at different heating rates (5, 10, 15 and 20 K/min). The kinetic parameters of decomposition including activation energy and pre-exponential factor under nitrogen atmosphere were evaluated by menace of two model-free methods Friedman and Kissinger-Akahira- Sunose. Depending on the used calculation model, the obtained activation energy and pre-exponential factor values with respect to the degree of sample conversion during the kinetic experiment for method ranged in the intervals of 76.36 112.56 kJ/mol and 1.72*105 1.42*1010 min 1, respectively. Based on the attained kinetic parameter values it was established that the process of pyridinium nitrate decomposition occurred as a firstorder reaction. Considering the calculated kinetic parameters, a decomposition mechanism for pyridinium nitrate was proposed.
# Formula Name
1 C5H6N2O3 pyridinium nitrate
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above). POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied; the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.
Type Compound-# Property Variable Constraint Phase Method #Points
  • POMD
  • 1
  • Triple point temperature, K ; Crystal
  • Crystal
  • Liquid
  • Air at 1 atmosphere
  • DSC
  • 1
  • POMD
  • 1
  • Molar enthalpy of transition or fusion, kJ/mol ; Crystal
  • Crystal
  • Liquid
  • Air at 1 atmosphere
  • DSC
  • 1