The present study reports an investigation of the thermophysical properties of a camouflage coating paint (brand name: EC Paint) applied in thin layers onto a sample substrate. Since the thin-film form of the specimen substantially impedes traditional thermophysical measurements, a dedicated investigation procedure was developed to address this issue. This tailored approach comprises: SEM characterisation; density determination; DSC measurements; laser flash experiments; and a numerical parameter estimation procedure for determining thermal conductivity/diffusivity transversal to the coated surface. Experimental studies were carried out on multi-layered specimens of the EC Paint deposited onto molybdenum (Mo) or aluminium (Al) foil substrates of known thermophysical properties. The key measurements of thermal transport properties were performed on paint layers of varying thickness. In addition, the supporting gravimetric and calorimetric experiments were performed at temperatures ranging from about 20 120 deg C. The resultant values of thermophysical properties of the EC Paint layer fall within the range typical for insulators. Furthermore, the study also revealed the presence of a moisture sorption effect, which has been further characterised. Finally, the obtained qualitative and quantitative results confirmed the correctness and effectiveness of the elaborated procedures.
The table above is generated from the ThermoML associated json file (link above).
POMD and RXND refer to PureOrMixture and Reaction Datasets. The compound numbers are included in properties, variables, and phases, if specificied;
the numbers refer to the table of compounds on the left.