Activity Coefficient Model: Original UNIFAC Prediction Method

The prediction method is described in: Bruce E. Poling, John M. Prausnitz, John P. O'Connell, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, 5th ed., (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001).

References to the original literature are:
H. K. Hansen, P. Rasmussen, A. Fredenslund, M. Schiller, and J. Gmehling (1991) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 30, 2352-2355.
R. Wittig, J. Lohmann, and J. Gmehling (2003) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 42, 183-188.
K. Balslev and J. Abildskov (2002) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41, 2047-205.

Parameters used in TDE to calculate the predicted values are output as "Equation Parameters":

Details of the model implementation in TDE, including the ThermoML-Equation representation are available. (See the ThermoML web site for details of this IUPAC communication standard.)