Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) Data Summary View: Binary Mixtures

Purposes & Features:

Summarize VLE Data in one table: VLE data are reported in a variety of forms (PTxy, PTx, Txy). All VLE data types are shown in a single table accessed through this node (See Below). When represented as separate thermodynamic properties, P, T, x, or y might be used to represent the property. PTxy data are represented as two data sets in TDE, as dictated by the Gibbs Phase Rule with y as one property and P or T as the other, depending on whether the data are primarily isothermal or isobaric. The extent of each type of VLE data (PTxy, PTx, Txy) can be readily assessed.

Identify PTxy Data Sets: PTxy data are highlighted in the table for easy identification (see below). After evaluation for the pure components, data sets at conditions that are supercritical for either component are highlighted in yellow.

Special Data Selection/Rejection Options: PTxy data can be selected exclusively, if desired. Right click any data point number to see Data Selection/Rejection Options. All selection/rejection choices are reflected in the individual properties listed in the Experimental and Predicted Data section of the Navigation Tree.

Plotting is Not Available: The table can include multiple data types at a variety of conditions, so plotting would be very awkward and is not included at this time. Plots of individual PTxy data sets (isobars and isotherms) can be accessed as part of the Consistency Tests applied by TDE.

annotated VLE data summary view for example mixture methanol + octane, accessed through Experimental and predicted data\VLE data summary view: columns left to right are Source, Set, Rejection status, T, P, x, and y. PTXY sets are highlighted in blue.