Properties of Ternary Mixtures: The Evaluation Sequence

Phase-Equilibrium Properties:

Characteristics of phase-equilibrium data evaluated in TDE:

  • VLE and LLE involving 2 phases only. (SLE is not considered at this time.)
  • Activity coefficient models are applicable (i.e., all components are sub-critical)
  • Properties/Variables are temperature, pressure, composition & activity coefficient
  • Properties for supercritical ("fluid") phases are not considered

Single Properties (p near saturation or 101.3 kPa):

  • Excess Volume, m3/mol (Densities for mixtures are converted to excess volumes by TDE)
  • Excess Enthalpy (i.e., the Enthalpy of Mixing), kJ/mol
  • Viscosity, Pa×s
  • Thermal Conductivity, W/m/K
  • Surface Tension, N/m

Experimental Properties for Display Only (not evaluated by TDE)

  • Speed of sound, m/s
  • Solubility of a crystal in a liquid mixture (SLE)
