Properties of Pure Compounds: The Evaluation Sequence

Single-valued Properties:

Critical Properties: Temperature, K; Pressure, kPa; Density, kg×m -3
Triple-point Temperature, K: Crystal-Liquid-Gas, Glass-Liquid-Gas, & Crystal-Crystal-Gas type transitions
Enthalpy of Phase Transition, kJ×mol-1: Crystal-Liquid-Gas & Crystal-Crystal-Gas type transitions
Normal Boiling Temperature, K: Based on the evaluated vapor-pressure equation

Temperature Dependent Properties (Equations):

Vapor and Sublimation Pressure, kPa
Boiling Temperature, K: Based on the evaluated vapor-pressure equation
Crystal-Liquid Phase Boundary Pressure, kPa
Density(saturated Liquid and Gas), kg×m-3
Enthalpy of Vaporization and Sublimation, kJ×mol-1
Surface Tension, N/m
Viscosity (saturated liquid), Pa×s
Thermal Conductivity (saturated liquid), W×m-1 ×K-1
Ideal-Gas Heat Capacity, J×K-1 ×mol-1
Heat Capacity (saturated Crystal, Liquid, and Gas), J×K-1 ×mol-1
Thermodynamic Functions (saturated, all phases) derived by TDE through integration of heat capacities

  • Enthalpy, kJ×mol-1
  • Entropy, J×K-1 ×mol-1

Temperature & Pressure Dependent Properties (Equations):

Density (Liquid and Gas), kg×m-3
Speed of Sound (Liquid and Gas), m/s
Viscosity (Gas), Pa×s
Thermal Conductivity (Gas), W×m-1 ×K-1
Refractive Index (as a function of wavelength, also), unitless

Reaction Properties:

Enthalpy of Formation kJ×mol-1 for T = 298.15 K only. Property values for the formation reaction at other temperatures can be evaluated through Reaction Property Evaluation. Note: Generally, this property is derived by TDE based on experimental enthalpies of combustion. If data are available for other reactions, the user is given the option to include this additional data in the evaluation of the enthalpy of formation.