Navigation Tree: Property Consistency: Ideal-gas Entropies-Calculation Details

The entropy of a compound in the ideal-gas state So for a given temperature T is calculated through the following sum of terms.

So = S(liquid or crystal) + (Hvap or Hvap)/T + S* + R ×T ×ln(Vo/Vsat), where

T is temperature (K) and po is the standard pressure (100 kPa)

S(liquid or crystal) is the entropy of the condensed phase at temperature T (obtained by integration of heat capacity)

Hvap or Hvap is the enthalpy of vaporization or sublimation at temperature T

S* is the non-ideality correction for the vapor density at the saturated vapor pressure at temperature T:
S* = So - S(real gas) = R ×((B + T ×dB/dT)/V + (C - T ×dC/dT)/2V2 - ln(Z))

where R is the gas constant, Z is the compressibility factor, B and C are the 2nd and 3rd virial coefficients. [Properties of Gases and Liquids, Table 6-2, Page 6-8]

Vsat and Vo are the ideal-gas volumes at the saturated vapor pressure and po, respectively.