TDE File Menu

New Compound: Select a compound for a new evaluation.

  • Open: Open a file with experimental data from a previous evaluation. This is useful if the user has added experimental data (e.g. , personal or proprietary data).
  • Load MOL file: Load a structure MOL file (user provided) to TDE. This method is provided as an alternative to drawing of structures not provided with TDE.
  • Load ThermoML file: Load experimental data (user provided) in ThermoML format for the selected compound.
  • Save Molecular Structure: Save structural information for the molecule of interest in MOL file or WMF format.
  • Save Experimental Data: Save the Experimental Data (in a special TDE format) for re-opening in the future. Any data added by the user are included in the saved file. Data that are added by the user are not added to the TDE Database of Experimental Values.
  • Save Evaluation Results: Save a plain text and ThermoML file with the results of the evaluation.
  • Print Evaluation Results: Print the results of the evaluation as plain text.
  • Exit: Exit from the program.