TDE Equation of State (EOS) Menu

Read Only EOS

These EOS Menu items allow access to a stored EOS for a particular compound for (1) comparison with the experimental data available with TDE and (2) property evaluation with the EOS. The equations are "Read Only" in that no alteration of the equation parameters is possible.

  • RefProp EOS (read only): Open an evaluated EOS available in NIST Standard Reference Database 23 (REFPROP). These evaluated EOS are available for <100 compounds.

EOS for Fitting

These EOS Menu items start the EOS Fitting Process of the selected EOS to the experimental and predicted property data. Descriptions of the equations and general descriptions of their application are provided through the links below.

  • The following EOS (in combination with heat capacities for the ideal-gas state) may be used for comprehensive calculation of thermodynamic properties.
  • The following EOS are commonly used for less comprehensive representation of thermodynamic properties.