Thermal Conductivity l: (Liquid)

  • DEFAULT: TransportPolynomial: (Output details)

    l = å ai × T i, where the summation is from i = 0 to nTerms - 1

  • Alternative 1: Yaws.ThermalConductivity (Output details)

    lg(l/lo) = A + B×(1 - T/C)2/7

  • Alternative 2: Yaws.PolynomialExpansion (Output details)

    l = å ai × T i, where the summation is from i = 0 to nTerms - 1

  • Alternative 3: DIPPR.PolynomialExpansion (Output details)

    l = å ai × T i, where the summation is from i = 0 to nTerms - 1

  • Alternative 4: PPDS 8 (Output details)

    l = a1 + å(ai+1 × ti/3) , where the summation is from i = 1 to nTerms -1 and t = 1 - T/Tc