PPDS 2: Cpo(Ideal Gas)

Cpo/R = Clow + (C ¥ - Clow) ×y2 ×{1 + (y - 1) å(ai × yi)} ; where the summation is from i = 0 to 4.

Clow and C ¥ are equation constants, and y = T / (T + TS), where TS is a constant.

Evaluation Results:
annotated evaluation results showing constant parameter: an integration constant required for calculation of the absolute entropy from the heat capacity equation and fitted parameters (top to bottom): a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, T_5, C_low, C_infinite

The example is for fitted heat capacities in the ideal-gas state at p = 100 kPa for pentane.