Helmholtz: Cpo(Ideal Gas)

Cpo/R = 1 + t - {åai ×ni ×(ni - 1)× tni}(ni ¹ 0 or 1) + åbi ×(ci × t)2 ×exp(ci × t) / {exp(ci × t) - 1}2;
where t = Tc/T, Tc = the critical temperature, and the summations are from i = 1 to nTerms.
annotated evaluation results showing constant parameters (left to right): number of a terms [1 here], number of each b and c [2 each here], an integration constant required for calculation of the absolute entropy from the heat capacity equation and fitted parameters (top to bottom): t, a_1, n, b_1, c_1, b_2, c_2
The example is for fitted heat capacities in the ideal-gas state at p = 100 kPa for 2-methylpyrrole.