Density of the Liquid (on the Liquid/Gas phase boundary): dsat

  • VDNS Expansion: (Output details)

    dsat = dc + a1 × t0.35 + åai+1 × ti , where the summation is from i = 1 to nTerms -1.

    dc = the critical density and t = 1 - T/Tc, where Tc is the critical temperature.

  • Alternative 1: Rackett (Output details)

    dsat = dc ×B- (1-T/Tc)N; where Tc and dc are the critical temperature and critical density, respectively.

  • Alternative 2: Rackett2/7 (Output details)

    dsat = M / {R × Tc / Pc ×Zc(1-T/Tc)2/7}; where M is the molar mass, Tc, Pc, and Zc are the critical temperature, critical temperature, and critical compressibility factor, respectively.

  • Alternative 3: PPDS 10 (Output details)

    dsat = dc + a1 × t0.35 + a2 × t2/3 + a3 × t + a4 × t4/3;

    dc = the critical density and t = 1 - T/Tc, where Tc is the critical temperature.

  • Alternative 4: PPDS 17 (Output details)

    dsat = (a1 + a2 × t) -1 - t2/7/a0 ; where t = 1 - T/Tc, and Tc is the critical temperature.

  • Alternative 5: COSTALD (Output details)

    dsat = M / [V0(1 - 1.52816×τ1/3 + 1.43907×τ2/3 - 0.81446×τ + 0.190454×τ4/3)
    {1 - Ω (-0.296123 + 0.386914 ×tr - 0.0427258×tr2 - 0.0480645×tr3)/(tr - 1.00001)}],
    where M is the molar mass, tr = T/Tc, τ = 1 - tr, and Tc is the critical temperature.

  • Alternative 6: PolynomialDensity (Output details)

    dsat = å ai × T i, where the summation is from i = 0 to nTerms - 1.