Data as a function of 1 variable

Available actions are controlled through the toolbar or by right-clicking.

The X and Y axes can have different representations available from the drop-down menus (simple, inverse, or log10). For mixtures, TDE allows plotting also log10(X1/X2) or log10(Y1/Y2), where the X or Y axes define compositions (more details about the composition-stretched representation can be found in the following article: V. Diky. An Efficient Way of Visualization of Mutual Solubility Data in the Whole Range of Compositions. J. Chem. Eng. Data 62, 2920 (2017);

PLOT TYPES (available by expanding the Y box):
DY: Deviation Plot , DY%: Percent Deviation Plot, Waring: Waring Function Plot (for saturated vapor pressure)

Available from the toolbar: +/-: Show/Hide uncertainties, Connect: Show/Hide lines connecting data from the same source, Rejected: Show/Hide rejected data, Zoom out: Show a larger area of the plot, Full View: Show the full range of the X and Y data.
Other features include Exploring Details & Resizing, Data Point identification in a plot, and Right-Click Features.

See Colors in TDE Plots

Using the two leftmost buttons in the toolbar (top of plot screen), expanded choices for the x-axis and y-axis (respectively) can be accessed.

This example shows the saturated vapor pressure for liquid decane.