Twu Peng-Robinson Equation of State (with Volume Translation): DETAILS

Name TDE.Twu-Peng-Robinson. EOS
Comment PR-EOS with Twu alpha function and constant-term volume translation
Variable VDN Density
Variable T Temperature
Variable P Pressure
Intermediate V Molar volume
Intermediate Z Compressibility factor
Parameter TC Critical temperature
Parameter PC Critical pressure
Parameter AF Acentric factor
Parameter L  
Parameter M  
Parameter N  
Parameter VT Volume translation

Z = p ×V/(R ×T) Z = V/(V - b) - {a×α(T)×V}/{(R ×T)×(V2 + 2×b×V - b2)}

a = (0.45724×(R ×Tc)2)/pc

b = (0.0778×R ×Tc)/pc

α(T) = TrN(M - 1) ×exp{L(1 - TrN×M)}

Tr = T/Tc Physical molar volume is obtained from the Peng-Robinson volume by adding VT.