UNIFAC (Original) Activity Coefficient Model: DETAILS

Name TDE.UNIFAC.ActivityCoefficients
Name TDE.UNIFAC.ActivityCoefficients
Comment Activity coefficients model
Variable GEX Excess Gibbs energy
Variable T Temperature
Variable x1 Mole fraction of component 1
Variable x2 Mole fraction of component 2
Parameter a Array (0 to nTerms)
Constant r1 Calculated with published group parameters (Ref 29)
Constant q1 Calculated with published group parameters (Ref 29)
Constant r2 Calculated with published group parameters (Ref 29)
Constant q2 Calculated with published group parameters (Ref 29)
Constant size1 Size or array 1
Constant type1 Array: types of groups in component 1
Constant MainGroup1 Array: main group types in component 1
Constant number1 Array: numbers of groups in component 1
Constant size2 Size or array 2
Constant type2 Array: types of groups in component 2
Constant MainGroup2 Array: main group types in component 2
Constant number2 Array: numbers of groups in component 2
Constant R Gas constant

The following expressions define the terms leading to the equation for GEX.

φ1 = x1 ×r1/(x1 ×r1 + x2 ×r2); and φ2 = x2 ×r2/(x1 ×r1 + x2 ×r2)
θ1 = x1 ×q1/(x1 ×r1 + x2 ×q2); and θ2 = x2 ×q2/(x1 ×r1 + x2 ×q2)
ln(γ1c) = ln(φ1/x1) + 5×q1 ×ln(θ1/φ1) + l1 - φ1/x1 ×(x1 ×l1 + x2 ×l2)
ln(γ2c) = ln(φ2/x2) + 5×q2 ×ln(θ2/φ2) + l2 - φ2/x2 ×(x1 ×l1 + x2 ×l2)
x1,i = n1,i / Σn1,i, where the summation is from i = 1 to N.
θ1,i = x1,i ×Qtype(i)x1,i ×Qtype(i), where the summation is from i = 1 to N.

x2,i and θ2,i are calculated analogously, as are xM,i and θM,i for the mixture. The mixture is indicated by the subscript M.

Ψij = exp[-UNIFAC Parameter{MainGroup(i),MainGroup(j)}/T]
ln(γ1,k) = Qtype(k) ×[1 - Σθ1,i ×Ψkiθ1,j ×Ψji - lnΣθ1,j ×Ψki], where the summations are from i = 1 to N, j = 1 to N, and i = 1 to N, respectively.

Similarly, γ2,k and γM,k vectors are calculated for component 2 and the mixture. γM,k is based on the mole fractions of structural groups in the mixture:

xM,i = (x1 ×n1,i + x2 ×n2,i) / Σ(x1 ×n1,i + x2 ×n2,i), where the summation is from i = 1 to N, N is the dimension of the vector of distinct structural group types in the molecules, and n1 and n2 are vectors representing the number of structural groups of each type.

ln(γ1) = ln(γ1,c) + Σn1,i ×{lnγi) - ln(γ1,i)}
ln(γ2) = ln(γ2,c) + Σn2,i ×{ln(γi) - ln(γ2,i)}
GEX / (R ×T) = x1 ×ln(γ1) + x2 ×ln(γ2)